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The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA)'s NIS360 report identifies gaps in the current state of NIS2 compliance readiness and provides recommendations to lawmakers and affected industry verticals on what they need to do to become NIS2 compliant.
Cyber Resilience
Operational Resilience
Operational Technology
Zero Trust

ENISA Attempts to Move NIS2 Forward with NIS360 Findings

George V. Hulme
Reactive cybersecurity programs are destined for a fate similar to the story of the boiling frog, one that doesn’t know it’s in trouble until it’s too late. Proactive and predictive approaches to cybersecurity are a must because they act as early warning systems that alert organizations before disaster strikes.
Risk Management

‘The Boiled Frog’: A Cybersecurity Lesson for Organizations

Francesco Terlizzi
Identifying and classifying the riskiest devices in operational technology (OT)-heavy environments is crucial for maintaining operational integrity and security. Expert Dan Ricci provides an extensive checklist for doing so that includes internal stakeholders and technical advice.
Operational Technology
Vulnerability Management
Risk Management

Identifying, Classifying Riskiest Devices in OT-Heavy Environments

Dan Ricci
EU software and IoT device manufacturers must begin their efforts to come into compliance with the EU's Cyber Resilience Act (CRA). The CRA aims to protect consumers and businesses buying software or hardware products with a digital component from vulnerabilities and improve secure software development practices.
Cyber Resilience
Operational Resilience
Risk Management

Software Security is Aim of EU Cyber Resilience Act Compliance

George V. Hulme
Former NSA Director Adm. Michael S. Rogers shares three priorities the Trump Administration should pursue with regard to cybersecurity and critical infrastructure protection. Those include resuming the Cybersecurity Review Board, urging enterprises to focus on basic security hygiene, and exert its influence on vendors to secure their products.
Cyber Resilience
Risk Management

3 Cybersecurity Priorities for the New Administration

ADM. Michael S. Rogers, USN (Ret.)
IT cybersecurity team members bring a fresh set of experience and perspective to the protection of cyber-physical systems and industrial and automation control system production environments.
Operational Technology
Cyber Resilience

Accelerating IACS/OT Cybersecurity Improvements

Don C. Weber
Risk managers—especially C-suite and boards of directors—looking to establish a culture of OT cyber awareness and risk remediation proactivity in their organizations need to establish a formal and measurable program approach. The program must provide a shared vision and a practical roadmap that makes sense because it relates to many of the unique characteristics of their organization, OT environment, business model, and risk appetite.
Risk Management

Lessons Learned from Creating an OT Cybersecurity Program in a Large, Slow-Moving Government Agency

John Ballentine
An OIG report critical of the water and wastewater industry's cybersecurity practices and posture illuminates endemic security issues within this critical infrastructure sector, from unpatched vulnerabilities to a lack of sharing of incident data.
Cyber Resilience
Vulnerability Management
Risk Management

Water, Wastewater Cybersecurity Still Has Long Way to Go

George V. Hulme
Securing connectivity in operational technology (OT) environments is crucial for the safety of critical infrastructure and maintaining the uninterrupted service it provides. Leaving unnecessary open ports, protocols, and services exposed, along with directly connected devices to the internet, such as programmable logic controllers (PLCs) and human machine interfaces (HMIs), greatly increases the risks of cyberattacks.
Operational Technology
Risk Management

Explaining the Importance of Secure Connectivity in OT

Dan Ricci
Cyber Resilience
Risk Management

Deterrence in Cyberspace Proving to be a Difficult Exercise

ADM. Michael S. Rogers, USN (Ret.)
Cyber Resilience
Risk Management

US Government Expands Tech Restrictions to Safeguard Critical Infrastructure

George V. Hulme
Cyber Resilience
Operational Technology
Risk Management

CPS Security Leaders Convene on One Goal: Protect Mission-Critical Infrastructure

Upa Campbell
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